
Keeping Up With Changes in Online Business

The question I hear from so many people is, how do I keep with the changes that are constantly happening in the world of online content creation?  How do I know when to react and when to wait?  It feels like there are so many things  I could be doing, how do I know what I should be doing?

Those answers aren’t always simple but there are some metrics that you can use to measure when and what you will jump on board with.

I’ve been riding the waves for over 5 years now!

One minute Facebook is the BEST place for conversion then their algorithm changes and things change.  Pinterest introduces advertising.  Google search is altered.  SEO changes in some way.  Email marketing gets the hammer dropped for spammers which changes the rules.  The FTC clarifies sponsored content regulation.  The list goes on and on.  How do stay on top of the constant changing without going crazy or just giving up on your online business?  How do you know what’s legit and what’s a “Chicken Little” fear-based panic?

In this episode, I explain how I go about embracing or ignoring change and how I decide what to pursue and what exactly I need to ignore.  5 years of blogging has led me through many many changes.  Of which I have a personal strategy for dealing with so I don’t get so uptight.  I’ll share that with you today!

I also talk about why I decided to branch out into the world of Podcasting and why it might just be the right move for you too!

Listen Online Now:

Buy the Podcast Course:

Just Start Podcasting$97 regular price.  On sale for $49 this week only! Use Code: juststart

With this new podcasting course, my aim to teach anyone how to start a Podcast from scratch and get it up in running in just a few weeks!



Kim Anderson

Kim Anderson has been blogging at Thrifty Little Mom since 2013. 3.5 years into blogging, Kim made enough income from her online business that her husband was able to quit his job and pursue his own business.
In addition to her first blog, Kim also helps online business owners pursue their own success stories through coaching, education and the Just Keep Blogging Podcast.
Kim is the author of the Traditionally published book: Live, Save, Spend, Repeat: The Life You Want with the Money You Have