If you are on this page you are probably wanting to get to know more about me and my background.
Your time is valuable – in fact, you should probably be writing a blog post right now or doing some higher ROI task but you are here – in search of some help. So let me make this as simple and quick as possible for you.
Why You Should Listen to Me:
- I started blogging in 2013 on my thrifty lifestyle blog Thrifty Little Mom.
- When I started that blog, I was hearing stories about other women who had made enough blogging that their husbands were able to exit stressful jobs and commutes and quit.
- That idea was appealing to me so that is what I aimed for.
- By the summer of 2016, I had a traditional book contract with a publisher for my book Live, Save, Spend, Repeat : The Life You Want with the Money You Have.
- 3.5 years later (after blogging from home in the margins with a toddler and then having twin newborns) my husband was able to exit his stressful commute and electrical engineering job to do something else because of my thrifty lifestyle blog income. He now has his own Youtube Channel is opening a nano-brewery in our small town.
- In 2017 I started coaching bloggers and by 2021, I had coached over 400 people and have over 5,000 students enrolled in my online blog courses.
- Even though I do blog coaching & education, I still run and operate my own thrifty lifestyle blog. That way I’m able to stay current, experiment, and lead from the trenches.
- If you are thinking about doing it on your blog, I’ve either been there, done that, and bought the t-shirt or I’ve coached someone who’s done it.

Let’s get clear about who I am and how I coach.
- You are the only person responsible for your success. I will lead you, guide you, brainstorm with you, encourage you, kick you into high gear and push you outside your comfort zone, but if you don’t show up and do the work – then you don’t have what it takes to be successful in a blog-based business.
- It takes most blog-based businesses at least 1-2 years to see steady passive income. You MUST have a marathon mindset with Blog-Based Business models. If you are looking for me to help you make six figures in your first 6 months – it’s not realistic and I’m not the coach for you.
- One on One coaching package is geared toward people who are already making passive income and want to scale that income.
- One-off, one on one coaching calls are for people who need clarity, direction, a plan, and someone to help them work through where they are going long term and what their next best steps are with an income ranging from $0 – six figures.
- Group coaching is geared toward weekly accountability with a group of matched blogging peers. This group best serves my beginner to intermediate bloggers.

If you have more questions about any of my programs, please feel free to send me an email:
Thanks for your time!
Just Keep Blogging